
Secret Societies

The Illuminati Outline of History - part 2 of 4

1794 -- Year Two; France passes laws distributing confiscated property to the poor, leads victorious battle against Austrians. Would-be assassin of Robespierre fires on Collot d'Herbois instead; the next day a young girl arrested as suspected assassin; she and 40 others sent to guillotine. Other attempts of Robespierre's life; his enemies accuse him of attempting to have himself declared divine by Catherine Theot, an old woman who preached a mystery religion; Robespierre guillotined. Monroe becomes minister to France. Whiskey rebellion in Pennsylvania to protest liquor taxes.

1795 -- France makes peace with Prussia and Spain, invades Holland. Napoleon suppresses revolt in Paris and goes to Italy as Commander-in-Chief. Yazoo land fraud: bribed Georgia legislators sell Mississippi.

1796 -- Adams elected President. Paine publishes letter critical of Washington.

1798 -- Illuminati scare in New England. Knights of Malta lose their island to Napoleon.

1800 -- Death of Thomas Waley, one of the last Hell Fire Club leaders. Napoleon comes to power, allegedly through Illuminati manipulation.

1805 to 1881 -- Life of Auguste Blanqui, French socialist, founder of numerous secret societies modeled after Buonarroti.

1815 -- Napoleon's Waterloo. Secret societies which eventually become the Decembrist Movement formed in Russian Masonic lodges.

1817 -- Suppression of the Lodge of Jupiter the Thunderer begins. Irish immigrants force entry into Tammany Society, changing its direction.

1818 -- Mary Shelley's Frankenstein published.

1819 -- American Independent Order of Odd Fellows founded. Founding of National Freemasonry, the most important of several Polish secret societies devoted to ousting the Russians from Poland. Liberation of Columbia by Bolivar.

1822 -- Russian government suppresses Masonry. Equador liberated by Bolivar.

1825 -- Decembrist movement suppressed in Russia after brief uprising. Bolivar liberates Bolivia. Founding of Vienna bank by Solmon Rothschild and Naples bank by Carl Rothschild.

1828 -- Tammany Society backs Andrew Jackson for President. Anti- Masonic Party founded, first third-party in America. Attempted assassination of Bolivar.

1829 -- Alleged Illuminati meeting in New York decides to unite Atheists and Nihilists into Communist movement.

1830 -- Anti-Masonic conventions in Massachusetts and Vermont find evidence linking Masonry with Illuminism. Book of Mormon published. Weishaupt and Bolivar die.

1831 -- Anti-Masonic Party runs Wirt for President, assuring that Mason Andrew Jackson would be re-elected. Poe dismissed from West Point.

1833 -- Jackson orders U.S. funds withdrawn from Bank of the United States, effectively killing the institution.

1835 -- The socialist League of the Just founded in Paris, later becoming the Marxist Communist League. Attempted assassination of Jackson with two single shot pistols, both of which jammed. Revolver invented.

1844 -- Morse builds first practical telegraph. Bahai religion begins when the Bab proclaims his mission in Persia.

1848 -- Fall of monarchy in France. Republic established in Rome. Abdication of Ferdinand I in Austria. Revolts in Denmark, Ireland, Lombardy, Schleswig-Holstein and Venice. Germany briefly united in a parliament at Frankfort; unity destroyed by the King of Prussia. Marx and Engles publish the Communist Manifesto (allegedly commissioned by the Illuminati) and travel in France and Germany encouraging discontent with the Establishment. Woman's Suffrage Movement gets underway in Seneca Falls, New York. Spiritualism born in Wayne County, New York, when the teenaged Fox sisters communicate with poltergeists. Fortean tidbits: moon turns "blood-red" during total eclipse; a great comet fails to return at the time predicted; visions and "phantom soldiers" seen in the skies of France and Scotland; Captain M'Quahae of H.M.S. Daedalus reports seeing a "huge, unknown creature" in the ocean. Gold discovered in California.

1849 to 1936 -- Life of Sir Basil Zaharoff, "mystery man of Europe," who made a fortune as an armaments dealer and financier, selling weapons to both sides in World War I and other conflicts.

1852 -- Benjamin becomes first professed Jew elected to Congress.

1859 -- Oil wells invented. Darwin's Origin of Species published.

1860 -- Lincoln elected. Electric storage battery invented.

1860s -- Attempts to suppress the Mafia in Sicily are unsuccessful.

1861 -- Confederate states secede; elect Jefferson Davis president; Benjamin appointed Confederate Attorney General, later Secretary of War. American Civil War begins. Emancipation of serfs in Russia. Jacolliot writes about the Nine Unknown in Calcutta. Gatling gun patented.

1862 -- Benjamin appointed Confederate Secretary of State.

1863 -- Rockfeller builds his first refinery.

1865 -- Assassination of Lincoln; Andrew Johnson becomes president; "Booth" killed; coded message found among his effects; the code key later found in possession of Benjamin, alleged Rothschild agent. Civil War ends. Thirteenth amendment abolishes slavery.

1866 -- Ku Klux Klan founded as a social club in Pulaski, Tennessee. Benjamin flees to England. Death of Phineas Quimby, magnetic healer, founder of Free Thought movement, teacher of Mary Baker Eddy.

1867 -- Ku Klux Klan reorganized along political and racial lines near Nashville, Tennessee.

1868 -- Assassination of Thomas D'Arcy McGee, first Canadian political assassination.

1869 -- St. Germain allegedly completes 85 years in the Himalayas after his "death." Mendeleev composes first periodic table of the elements in Russia. U.S. transcontinental railroad completed.

1870 -- Standard Oil Company incorporated.

1875 -- "Whiskey Ring" conspiracy of distillery owners revealed. Madam Blavatsky founds Theosophy Society. Mary Baker Eddy's Science and Health published.

1875 to 1947 -- Life of Aleister Crowley, the Great Beast, Golden Dawn leader and occult figure.

1876 -- Disraeli again warns about dangers of secret societies. Battle of the Little Big Horn. Bell patents telephone. Otto builds four-cycle gasoline engine.

1877 -- First of seven wills in which Cecil Rhodes leaves his money to establish a secret society to expand British rule throughout the world.

1878 to 1945 -- Life of Edgar Cayce, visionary, trance-channeler who spoke of reincarnation, Egyptian mysteries, and Atlantis.

1881 -- Garfield assassinated. Czar Alexander II assassinated by secret society. Disraeli publishes Lothair, a novel about secret societies and European politics.

1884 -- Fabian Society founded in London by Sidney and Beatrice Webb and others.

1885 -- First practical horseless carriage built by Daimler.

1887 -- Golden Dawn founded in London by Mathers and others. Mitchelson-Morley experiement disproving ether theory.

1888 -- Unsolved murders of London prostitutes by "Jack the Ripper," suspected of being one of those implicated in the Cleveland Street Affair involving high-society Victorians and their patronage of a brothel staffed by messenger boys.

1889 -- Second Communist International organized.

1890 -- Biologist Yersin visits India, purportedly to recieve plague and cholera serum from the Nine Unknown. Wounded Knee massacre.

1891 -- Rhodes gains control of 90% of world's diamond supply. The Round Tables, a secret society allegedly funded by Rhodes and the Rothschilds to gain financial and political power, founded in the U.S., Canada, Australia, India, South Africa and New Zealand. Rockefeller grant founds University of Chicago. Nikola Tesla invents Tesla coil, becomes U.S. citizen.

1892 -- Rockefeller trust transferred to holding company: Standard Oil of New Jersey.

1893 -- Assassination of Chicago Mayor Harrison.

1894 -- Assassination of President Carnot of France.

1896 -- Maconi's patent No. 7777 for radio. First "flap year" for UFOs: wave of sightings of unidentified airships in U.S.

1897 -- Assassination of Premier Canovas of Spain. Zionism founded in Basil, Switzerland by Theodore Herzl. 1898 -- Assassination of Empress Elizabeth of Austria. Pavlov begins study of conditioned reflex in dogs.

1899 -- Tesla discovers terrestrial stationary waves which can produce electricity; reports receiving signals from another planet. Alleged meeting in England at which the Morgans, Rothschilds and Warburgs become affiliated.

1900 -- Assassination of King Umberto I of Italy and Kentucky Governor-elect William Goebel. Tesla suggests alien beings might be living "in the very midst of us." Boxer rebellion in China. Approximate date Adolf Lanz founded the Order of New Templars, a fore-runner of the Nazi mentality.

1901 -- Assassination of McKinley and Russian Education Minister Bogolepov. Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (Rockefeller University) founded in New York. First trans- Atlantic radio broadcast: Marconi sends the letter S.

1902 -- Assassination of Russian Minister of Interior Sipyagain. Paul and Felix Warburg immigrate from Germany to the U.S. Rockefeller General Education Board founded.

1903 -- Assassination of Bogdanovich, Governor of Ufa. Protocols of Elders of Zion, alleged plan for Jewish world takeover, published in Russian newspaper.

1904 -- Assassination of Russian Premier Vischelev von Plehev.

1905 -- Assassination of Grand Duke Sergius and Idaho Governor Steunenberg. Abortive revolution in Russia. Expanded version of Protocols of Zion published.

1906 -- Assassination of Russian General Dubrassov.

1907 -- Financial panic and depression allegedly caused by J.P. Morgan to gain support for the central bank concept.

1908 -- Assassination of King Carl of Prussia and Crown Prince of Portugal. FBI founded. Founding of the Armanen Initiates, another proro-Nazi secret society.

1910 -- Attempted assassination of Mayor Gaynor of NYC. Secret meeting of bankers and politicians at Jekyll Island, Georgia, results in Federal Reserve Act.

1911 -- Assassination of Prime Minister Staliapin of Russia by police double agent. Standard Oil of New Jersey broken up as illegal monopoly.

1912 -- Assassination of Primier Canalegas of Spain. Attempted assassination of Teddy Roosevelt. Colonel E.M. House, adviser to Woodrow Wilson, publishes Philip Dru: Administrator, a political romance which proposed modern social legislation. Founding of Germanen Order, another pre-Nazi secret society.

1913 -- Assassination of George I of Greece. Rockefeller Foundation founded.

1914 -- Attempted assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria by Masonic agents, followed an hour later by successful assassination; in Russia, Rasputin stabbed the same day. World War I begins.

1915 -- Sinking of the Lusitania by German submarine; allegedly carrying secret munitions for the Allies, the ship supposedly sacrificed by British and American authorities to drum up war hysteria in U.S. Alfred Wegener proposed theory of continental drift, receives ridicule and contempt from his fellow scientists. Ku Klux Klan revived.

1916 -- Assassination of Rasputin.

1917 -- United States enters World War I. Russian Revolution begins; Cheka, secret police of Bolsheviks, founded.

1918 -- Assassination of Russian Czar Nicholas II and his family. Attempted assassination of Lenin. New Thought lecturer David Van Bush hires H.P. Lovecraft as a ghost writer.

1919 -- Founding of Thule Society in Germany; Hitler recruited. League of Nations founded at Paris Peace Conference. Meeting at the Majestic Hotel, Paris, between Wilsonian intellectuals (House, Dulles and Dulles, etc.) and "like-minded Englishmen" to discuss forming an organization "for the study of international affairs." Royal Institute of International Affairs founded. Freud draws attention to Austrian neurologist Poetzl's experiments with the tachistroscope, an early device for studying subliminal perception. Charles Fort's The Book of the Damned published. Hitler joins the German Workers' Party.

1920s -- Assassination of estimated 400 German public figures begins. U.S. entry into League of Nations blocked in Senate. Development of modern advertising techniques emphasizing manipulation rather than information.

1920 -- GWP becomes the National Socialist German Worker's Party.

1921 -- Council on Foreign Relations incorporated; founded by Wilsonians House, Dulles and company upon their return from Paris, with the help of the Round Table Group. Marconi states he believes mysterious V code on pre-WWI radio came from space; Tesla recalls seeing lights, vivid images, when he was a boy. Hitler takes over the NSGWP.

1922 -- Mussolini, alleged British Intelligence agent, comes to power in Italy, begins attempt to eliminate Mafia in Sicily. Cheka reorganized as GPU, Russian secret police. CFR journal Foreign Affairs founded. King Tutankhamen's tomb opened in Egypt, thus invoking "King Tut's Curse"; 14 violent deaths in as many years linked to the curse.

1923 -- Assassination of Pancho Villa in Mexico. Founding of Hitler's National-Socialist (Nazi) Party in Germany. International Police (Interpol) founded in Vienna. In the face of the Teapot Dome and other scandals, President Harding visits Alaska and receives a "long ciphered message" which visibly upsets him, causing him to ask what a president could do when friends betrayed him; he died soon after among conflicting rumors about the cause of his death. Fort's New Lands published.

1924 -- J. Edgar Hoover takes over FBI. During Mars' closest approach radios around the world went off the air in order to allow interception of any possible messages from space; when translated onto photographic tape, signals received produced crudely drawn faces. Lovecraft ghostwrites for Houdini.

1925 -- Lionel Curtis organizes the Institutes of Pacific Relations in at least ten countries for the Round Table Group.

1926 -- Suicide of synchronicity researcher Paul Krammerer, biologist, freemason.

1927 -- Rise of the CFR due to Rockefeller and other foundation funding. The Crystal Skull discovered in ruins of Lubaantun in British Honduras.

1928 -- Nomination of Catholic Al Smith sparks last spurt of growth for the KKK. Soviet produced film shows conditioned reflex experiments on humans.

1929 -- CFR moves to Harold Pratt Building on 68th Street. Great Depression begins. Quisling's About the Matter That Inhabited Worlds Outside Ours and the Significance Caused by It to Our Philosophy of Life published.

1930 -- Pavlov begins applying knowledge of conditioned reflex to human psychosis.

1930s -- Mafia becomes integral part of the U.S. organized crime. Continuing political assassinations accompany Nazi rise to power.

1931 -- Fort's Lo! published.

1932 -- Fort dies after publishing his last book, Wild Talents.

1933 -- Attempted assassination of Franklin Roosevelt; Chicago mayor Cermak killed instead. FDR orders use of Great Seal of the U.S. on reverse side of the dollar bill. Reichstag Fire, set by Nazis, used to suspend civil liberties.

1934 -- Assassination of S.M. Kirov, Soviet leader and Stalin collaborator. Russian GPU renamed NKVD. Beginning of Hitler's Black Order. Unexplained "ghostflier" broadcasts in Sweden.

1935 -- Assassination of Senator Huey Long. First lobotomy performed by Egas Moniz in Lisbon.

1936 -- Beginning of Moscow Purge trials in which numerous communist leaders were brainwashed into false confessions and then executed.

1937 -- Spanish Civil War begins. First of 48 "Lost Colony" stones found in North Carolina; stones supposedly tell the story of lost Roanoke Island colony. Amelia Earhart Putnam, aviator, disappears.

1938 -- Assassination of Leon Sedov, Trotsky's son; first assassination attempt against Trotsky. Nazi invasion of Austria; Interpol exiled -- or taken over by Nazis; German expedition to Antarctica stakes out 600,000 square kilometers, lands near the South Pole. Electroshock treatment discovered. Orson Welles' dramatization of H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds scares American radio listeners.

1939 -- Attorney Leon Cooke, friend of Jack Ruby and financial secretary of the union which employed Ruby, killed by union president Jack Martin; union subsequently taken over by Mafia. League of Nations suspended. Germany invades Poland; World War II begins. CFR offers it services to U.S. State Dept. Interpol grouped with Gestapo. Amateur radio astronomer Grote Reber receives dot-dash signal from space. Attempted assassination of Hitler.

1940 -- Assassination of Leon Trotsky in Mexico. British secret police renamed MI-5 and MI-6 for duration of war. Interpol moved to near Berlin., with Reinhard Heydrich in charge. Nazis allegedly begin building Hitler's secret hideout in Antarctica. Roosevelt sends Gen. "Wild Bill" Donovan on info-gathering mission to Europe; Donovan recommends a central intelligence organization. U.S. State Dept. creates Division of Special Research headed by CFR member Pasbolsky.

1941 -- Japan attacks U.S. Fleet at Pearl Harbor, allegedly through the maneuvering of Roosevelt and his advisors to provide an excuse to enter the war. Donovan made head of new Office of Coordinator of Information. The Books of Charles Fort published.

1942 -- Assassination of Interpol chief Heydrich in Czechloslavakia. Donovan's OCI evolves into the Office of Strategic Services (OSS).

1943 -- LSD-25 discovered by Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann. Nazi Admiral Doenitz boasts the German submarine fleet has built "in another part of the world a Shangri-La on land, an impregnable fortress." Juan Peron and other pro-Nazi leaders take power in Argentina. Pilots on both sides of the war report seeing "foo- fighters," unexplained flying objects, while flying war missions.

1944 -- Attempted assassination of Hitler. Nazis begin sending millions of dollars worth of jewels, paintings and cash to Argentina for safe keeping. Russian NKVD reorganized as MGB. Donovan prepares plan for Roosevelt to establish a central intelligence agency which is pigeonholed, later reconsidered by Truman. American band leader Glenn Miller disappears on unarmed flight over the English Channel.

1945 -- Alleged assassination (suicide) of James Forrestal at Bethesda Hospital Neurological Ward, after his attempt to warn Roosevelt of Illuminati plot. Roosevelt dies, Truman becomes president. Mussolini killed. Hitler allegedly escapes from Berlin after arranging for a fake suicide cover story; Hitler's death announced, Admiral Doenitz takes command; submarines U-530, U-977 and others begin secret journey from Norway soon after Quisling allegedly refused Hitler's offer to take him "aboard a submarine to a safe refuge"; two months after Germany surrenders submarines U-530 and U-977 give themselves up in Mar del Plata, Argentina, after allegedly being lost from the submarine convoy taking Hitler and others to their hideout in Antarctica; Nazi leader Martin Bormann escapes without a trace from Berlin after supervising Hitler's "suicide." First atomic bombs dropped. World War II ends. General Gehlen, Head of Nazi Intelligence, captured by U.S. Army and flown to Washington; other Nazi and British agents imported to U.S., along with Werner Von Braun and other developers of the V-2 rockets. Interpol dissolved -- or reorganized with headquarters in Paris, the story varies. OSS disbanded, its agents moving to military intelligence agencies and the State Dept. CFR allegedly takes over State Dept. United Nations founded. "Official beginning of Bermuda Triangle mystery," when Flight 19, made up of five naval bombers, disappears off the coast of Florida; another plane sent to investigate also disappears -- 6 planes and 27 men vanished. An Air Force plane's engines fail over Iwo Jima as foo- fighters maneuver around it.

1946 -- Murder of wire service king James Ragen by Syndicate friends of Jack Ruby; indictment dropped following additional murders. John Kennedy and Richard Nixon elected to House of Representatives. Truman's executive order sets up the National Intelligence Authority and Central Intelligence Group. Gehlen returns to Germany to continue intelligence work for U.S. Army. Interpol reorganization meeting held in Brussels. Admiral Byrd allegedly leads Naval "research" expedition to Antarctica to attack Hitler's secret hideout; attempt allegedly fails and Hitler and his "UFO scientists" continue their activities. Waves of unexplained "ghost rockets" seen in Europe, especially Scandanavia.

1947 -- Attempted assassination of Minneapolis Mayor Hubert Humphrey. Partition of India receives "strong impetus from the Round Table Group." National Security Act establishes Dept. of Defense, National Security Council and Central Intelligence Agency. France creates SDECE, similar to CIA. Second UFO flap year; Kenneth Arnold reports flying saucers near Yakima, Washington, and other reports soon follow. Maury Island "hoax": an early Men-In-Black incident three days before the Arnold sighting, in which a "donut-shaped object" dropped slag on a boat near Tacoma, Washington; the next day an MIB visited Harold Dahl, who was piloting the boat, and warned him not to discuss the sighting; the boat's owner, Fred Crisman, was suspected of being a CIA employee and was later called to give secret testimony at the trial of Clay Shaw in New Orleans; pilot Dahl disappeared and UFOlogist Arnold, who investigated the case, reported unexplained failure of his own plane's engine soon after two Air Force investigators were killed taking off from Tacoma's airport.

1948 -- Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi. Attempted assassination of labor leader Walter Reuther. Beginning of Operation Ohio, a CIA program responsible for one hundred European assassinations during the next ten years. Beginning of CIA interest in UFOs as a "security" problem. McCord employed by the FBI. Nixon gains prominence in the Alger Hiss case as member of the House Un- American Activities Committee; goes to Miami where he meets Bebe Rebozo and goes yachting with other underworld-connected figures. Martin Bormann reported living in Argentina. New nation of Israel creates Central Institute for Intelligence and Security. World Council of Churches founded in Amsterdam.

1949 -- Report critical of CIA filed and forgotten, unread by Truman; Central Intelligence Act exempts CIA from disclosure laws. E. Howard Hunt becomes CIA agent; Clay Shaw becomes agent for CIA's Domestic Contact Service. The Gehlen Organization transferred to CIA control. U.S. Army begins 20 years of simulated germ warfare attacks against American cities, conducting at least 239 open air tests. Interpol granted consultive status by UN. Chaing Kai-shek flees to Formosa; mainland China taken by communist leaders; Social Affairs Dept. and other Chinese secret police created. Trial of Cardinal Mindszenty in Hungary following his brainwashing and confession of conspiracy.

1950 -- Attempted assassination of Truman by Puerto Rican nationalists. Korean War begins. Congress passes McCarran's Internal Security Act setting up program for detention of subversives. Hiss convicted of perjury; Nixon elected to Senate after smear campaign against California opponent. U.S. Army engages in "simulated" germ warfare in San Francisco and the Pentagon. National Council of Churches founded in U.S. CIA organizes the Pacific Corporation, a large holding company which was the first of many CIA "private" enterprises. Alleged CIA plot to introduce UFO contact ideas with "Little Green Men" stories and radio contact "from space." Malcolm X receives visit from an MIB while in prison. Worlds in Collision by Immanuel Velikovsky proposes a catastrophic theory of ancient history in which a huge "comet" of matter is ripped out of Jupiter, approaches Earth close enough to cause universal fire/flood legends in primitive folklore and the settles into orbit as a new planet, Venus; Velikovsky receives ridicule and contempt from his fellow scientists, thought 20 years later Jupiter is generally considered a "cold star" rather than a planet and Velikovsky's prediction of a hot climate on Venus is confirmed. Approximate starting date of building of Mount Weather, secret American government fortress.

1951 -- Assassination of Ali Razmara of Iran, Riad Al-Sulh and Abdullah of Jordan and Ali Knah Liaquat of Pakistan. Army simulated germ warfare project in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. Approximate date CBS begins active cooperation with CIA. McCord moves from FBI to CIA. North Korean brainwashing of American prisoners begins. Time magazine popularizes the term brainwashing.

1952 -- Eisenhower elected president, Nixon vice-president; Kennedy elected to Senate. Army germ warfare project in Key West, Florida, and Ft. McCellan, Alabama. CIA agent Downey and Fecteau captured while on spy mission in China. Third UFO flap year. First UFO "contact" case: George Adamski meets Venusians in California desert; alleged CIA plot to start UFO scare. UFOlogist George Williamson, one of Adamski's witnesses, claims he also witnessed ham radio operator establish contact with another world.

1953 -- Dr. Frank Olsen commits suicide after having been given a secret dose of LSD by the CIA, under the direction of the mysterious Dr. Sidney Gottlieb. CIA contemplates developing drugs to cause amnesia in retired agents. CIA's Robertson Panel views UFO reports as national security threat. Army germ warfare project in Panama City, Florida. Return of Korean War prisoners, including some who underwent brainwashing. 21 POWs defect. Mau Mau (Hidden Ones) formed in Kenya to overthrow white rule. UFOlogist Albert Bender closes down his International Flying Saucer Bureau after being visited by three MIB.

1954 -- Attempted assassinations of several U.S. Congressmen by Puerto Rican nationalists. First Bilderberger meeting takes place at the Bilderberg Hotel, Oosterbeek, Holland. Condemnation by the U.S. Senate of Joseph McCarthy following his charges of subversion in high places. Hunt involved in CIA overthrow of communist regime in Guatemala, Carlos Castillo-Armas becomes president. Richard Bissell joins the CIA. Army germ warfare project in Point Mugu and Fort Hueneme, California. Russian KGB created to replace earlier secret police. Broadcaster Frank Edwards fired for discussing UFOs on the air. Strange voice "from space" speaks from turned-off radios in midwest U.S. and London, warns against preparations for war.

1955 -- Assassination of Jose Antonio Remon of Panama and Adnan Al-Malki of Syria. Bilderberger meeting in Barbizon, France. Lee Harvey Oswald meets David Ferrie of the New Orleans Civil Air Patrol. Doug Durham joins the Marines. The Office of Naval Research allegedly receives a copy of Morris Jessup's The Case for the UFOs with marginal notes in three different hands, supposedly by "Gypsies" knowledgeable in UFOlogy; ONR reprints several hundred copies for internal use; an MIB called "Carlos Allende" is implicated in the affair.

1956 -- Assassination of Anastasio Somoza of Nicaragua. Bilderberger meeting in Frednsborg, Denmark. Clay Shaw's CIA contact allegedly stopped. Oswald joins Marines. Durham receives special CIA training. UFOlogist Gray Barker publishes They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers which reported numerous MIB incidents.

(end of part 2)

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